Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Jesus explained so many important topics through parables?
- Which character in the Parable of the Tenants were you drawn to when you heard the story read?
- What do you think happened to the tenants that made them think they could do what they did?
- Have there been times when you’ve seen complacency in the face of the all-encompassing call that Jesus gives us?
- How can we make sure that we are like the new land owners who will be expected to produce fruit in the vineyard?
I Feel the Winds of God Today
I feel the winds of God today; today my sail I lift,
Though heavy, oft with drenching spray, and torn with many a rift;
If hope but light the water’s crest, and Christ my bark will use,
I’ll seek the seas at His behest, and brave another cruise.
It is the wind of God that dries my vain regretful tears,
Until with braver thoughts shall rise the purer, brighter years;
If cast on shores of selfish ease or pleasure I should be;
Lord, let me feel Thy freshening breeze, and I’ll put back to sea.
If ever I forget Thy love and how that love was shown,
Lift high the blood red flag above; it bears Thy name alone.
Great pilot of my onward way, Thou wilt not let me drift;
I feel the winds of God today, today my sail I lift.
- Mid-Summer Parish Update - June 23, 2021
- The COVID One-Year Anniversary Edition - March 12, 2021
- Soccer, Sailing and Surrender… - February 25, 2021
- Stairway to Heaven or Us? - February 16, 2021
- Dispersed to Go Deep? - February 9, 2021
- Johnny Cash and Progressive Miracles - February 2, 2021
All message sent through this contact form will go directly to Rev. Michael Caines
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