At the core of the Christian faith is an invitation…
Hundreds of years before Jesus Christ walked the earth Psalm 25:10 tells us, “All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth.” We hear this echoed in the words of Jesus himself who embodied mercy and truth. He invited individuals and groups repeatedly to “Come follow me.”
What if the journey is the destination?
We are a faith community on the journey with Jesus. We don’t have all the answers, but we know who’s leading, and a journey happens one footstep at a time.
The Parish of the Nerepis & St. John (named after the two major rivers in the area) is an Anglican Church in the Diocese of Fredericton. We are Christians who worship Jesus Christ with an Anglican flavour. As such, we seek to position ourselves ultimately under the authority of the Word of God (The Holy Bible). We seek to discern God’s way forward through the lens of basic creedal theology:
>> The Nicene Creed
>> Apostles’ Creed
And we seek to make space for God to lead us in our everyday lives together.
Our Mission
Jesus-centered, in the community, for the community
“To be a unified, faith-driven, growing Anglican Church proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, serving the community in traditional and innovative Spirit-led ministries.”
Our Core Values
– Following Jesus
– Loving Relationships
– Care for our community
– Hospitality for all