Galatians 5:1, 13-25
Big Idea: We are as free as we are led by the Holy Spirit
X2: There is a vaccine for every questionable desire and it’s, “Lord what do you think? I’m listening.”
#1: God calls us into Freedom
vs. 13 “Called to Freedom…” -> Life like it was meant to be lived
- Short-term freedom is me doing what I want, long-term freedom is me becoming who God made me as I follow Him
#2: “… do not gratify the desires of the flesh.”
- “Flesh”: the effect upon us from our own sin, our parent’s sin, and of all who have gone before us.
o Human-nature tainted/weakened by sin
- List of activities rooted in flesh: vs. 19: 4 themes: sensuality, skewed faith practices, conflict, over indulgence
- Why law is needed, vs. 21 “… do this and will not inherit the Kingdom of God.”
#3: vs. 25 “If we live by the Spirit, let us be guided by the Spirit.”
- Goal shifts from avoiding flesh fades into living the Fruits of the Spirit
- Fleshy characteristics helpful initially -> healthy boundaries -> vary in different cultures
- Live by Spirit -> no laws are necessary
- How do we be guided? Listen: God’s Word Filter, godly people filter, God’s past filter, inner voice/thought
Pray: 1. Am I dabbling in anything that is of the flesh right now?
2. Issue I need guidance with? Speak like you promised.
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