Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Jesus withdrew to a solitary place when he heard of his cousin John’s death?
- What would it felt like to be Jesus and always have crowds of people chasing after you?
- Why do you think Jesus withdrew in a boat instead of staying on land?
- What value do you see in getting away every so often to get outside one’s regular rhythm of activity and rest?
- Mid-Summer Parish Update - June 23, 2021
- The COVID One-Year Anniversary Edition - March 12, 2021
- Soccer, Sailing and Surrender… - February 25, 2021
- Stairway to Heaven or Us? - February 16, 2021
- Dispersed to Go Deep? - February 9, 2021
- Johnny Cash and Progressive Miracles - February 2, 2021
All message sent through this contact form will go directly to Rev. Michael Caines
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