Newcomers Q&A
Below are some “Newcomers Questions and Answers.” If once you have read through we have not answered all of your questions, please contact the office by phone (738-3474) or email us and we will gladly get back to you.
Q. What should I expect on Sunday?
A. The 9:00am service consists of traditional music, led by a choir and organist. The 10:30 service consists of upbeat music, led by our Praise Band. Both services offer communion, and an opportunity for fellowship after the service.
Q. What is fellowship?
A. Please stay after the service is concluded. There will be tea, coffee and sweets available, and a chance to enjoy the conversation and company of our church friends.
Q. What about my small children?
A. Your children are WELCOME here! Salt Reef (Sunday School) is offered for children between the ages of 4 and 12. If you are bringing and infant or a toddler, there is lots of room for them to wander and explore. There is a nursery area available for changing, comforting or taking a break. Our children bring a joyful energy to our services
Q. How should I dress?
A. It matters only that you are with us. Please dress as casually, and comfortably, as you wish.
Q. Will I feel welcome?
A. Many newcomers have remarked how welcomed they feel. Don’t be shocked to find that you are approached by more than one person to say good morning. We want to know who you are, and we want to invite you back.
Q. What is family service?
A. Family service takes place on the third Sunday of each month. Families greet you at the door, children do the readings and music will have actions just for fun. There is no Salt Reef on these Sundays, it is a chance for entire families (from newborn to senior citizen) to enjoy the service together from beginning to end. These services usually have a glitch or two, but that is part of the fun.
Q. I am on a gluten free diet. Can I still take part in communion?
A. Yes. Please let one of the greeters know about your special diet, and a gluten free wafer will be available for you at communion.
Q. Can you tell me more about Sunday School?
A. Salt Reef is offered for children ages 4 and 12. Salt Reef stands for “Sharing and learning together.” When children arrive on Sunday morning they will take part in music, crafts, stories and other activities teaching them about Jesus and his love. They will return to the service midway through in time for communion. Their return is never done quietly. They have stories to tell and crafts to show, and sometimes excitement can be hard to contain. This excitement is a great part of the service.
Q. What about my older children?
A. Kingdom Come is a youth group for ages 5 to 12, and meets from 6:30 to 7:45 on Tuesday night. The Rez is our senior youth group for middle and high school aged teens and meets at 6:30pm on Wednesday night. Each youth group is led by volunteers and offers age appropriate
lessons and activities.
Q. Are there pews, or chairs?
A. We have comfortable seating. Please feel free to bring your coffee with you and make yourself at home.
Q. Do you know about St. Paul’s Oak Point and St. Peter’s Wickham?
A. We have two Chapels of Ease within the Parish. Both have services at 10am. They both have a very traditional style.
Q. Will my questions, concerns or opinions be valued?
A. Yes. Each person’s perspective is different therefore; do not hesitate to express yourself. We respect everybody’s opinions and value their input.
Q. When I am ready to become more involved, what is there for me?
- Variety of home groups
- Operating the PowerPoint and sound board
- Joining the Praise Band or choir
- ACW and Altar Guild
- Hospitality group (fellowship on Sundays)
- Care Connection, mission trips
- Relay for Life and community service
- Volunteer with the youth
Q. How do I become part of the service and what are somethings I could do?
A. Jason in the office has all the information and would be happy to talk this over you when you are ready to join the worship team.
- Reader – reading the lesson
- Crucifer – carrying the cross during the service
- Server – help the preist with setting up communion
- Powerpoint – advancing the slides during the service
- Sound – maintaining the sound board during the service
- Greeter – handing out the bulletin at the door
- Lay Reader – after a breif course able to assist in the service
Q. What are our core values?
A. Our Core Values:
– Following Jesus
– Loving Relationships
– Care for our community
– Hospitality for all
Please see website for links or speak directly to Administrative Assistant Jason Smith or Lead Pastor Michael Caines for more information. Office phone 738-3474, email us.
Additional Q&A
How can I get information about getting myself/my child baptized?
Baptism is celebrated in the Parish of the Nerepis and St. John on a regular basis, usually on one of the several especially appropriate special Sundays during the year. The next scheduled Baptism is on the Holy Cross Sunday September 15, 2013. Candidates and/or Parents are asked to call the Parish Office to arrange to participate in the sessions of baptismal preparation. (Emergency Baptism is always provided without delay or preparation.)
How can I get information about getting married in the church?
If you plan on getting married and would like to book one of the churches in the Parish of the Nerepis and St. John, you must contact the Rector to schedule a meeting. Once the Rector agrees to perform the ceremony, the date would be book within the church. The couple would then have to take part in a Marriage Enrich Program with the Rector prior to the wedding date. The length of the program depends on the schedule of the couple and Rector.
How can I get information about confirmation?
Confirmation is when you make a statement of faith and take responsibility for your own religious faith. Your parents and sponsors/godparents made these promises for you when you were baptized; now by committing yourself to be confirmed you will make these promises for yourself. Confirmation is a lengthy program and is easier to have large number of candidates at a time. If you are interested please contact the Parish Office and prior to a new class you will be contacted.
What is Life in the Eucharist and how can I get information on it?
Life in the Eucharist is a 4 week program for children old enough (ages 6-13) to receive Holy Eucharist. Prior to Life in the Eucharist, one could not receive communion unless you were confirmed. This course allows children and young teenagers to receive communion on a regular basis before they commit themselves with Confirmation. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in having your child receive communion.
How to book the church for an event?
Please contact Jason Smith at the Parish Office if you would like to book the church for a church or non-church event.
Please refer to Schedule Event Policy and Rental Fees for rental fees and polices.
What is a LIFE group and how to join one?
LIFE meaning Living Insight Friendship Encouragement are Bible small groups. There are various groups throughout the church, most with different themes and programs. Please contact Jason Smith at the Parish Office to assist you in joining or forming a group. We are currently planning for the Fall (Please see Fall Programs). If you are interested in joining or leading a group please contact the parish office.
How can I be a member of the church?
If you would like to join the Parish of the Nerepis and St. John as a member of the church(s) please contact Jason Smith at the Parish Office with your first and last name, names of your family members, address, phone number, and email. Throughout the year we send out Parish letters/emails and special announcements. We do like to keep our records up to date so if you have any changes please contact us.
Still have a question? Please contact the Parish Office.