Big Idea: God’s Grace requires Resolve
X2: God’s Grace is activated through responsive action
- Emot. Healthy Spirituality Kick-Off: Call to enter through narrow gate/road is hard that leads to life
#1: God can heal your history and your tendencies
- Iceburg Illustration -> part we show, part we hide/ignore/suppress/etc
Us?? Would you agree that we are each a work in progress??
o History issues, family issues, tendency issues, ICEBURG
o Even church family: Name tendency to behave certain way/dress/act/look/emotions.
o “Polish our iceburgs
Good News: Jesus wouldn’t have invited us to narrow way unless he would provide grace, strength, love to get there!!
- Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…
Question: Are you ready to admit there’s an iceburg.. maybe even a polished one??
Shine God’s light into history and tendencies
Exercise: God Show Me: family secrets, past hurts, loss/grief, traumatic events, shame issues, abuse, tendencies: anger/temper, compulsions, addictions, control, anxiety, imposed-expectations, etc.
- Mid-Summer Parish Update - June 23, 2021
- The COVID One-Year Anniversary Edition - March 12, 2021
- Soccer, Sailing and Surrender… - February 25, 2021
- Stairway to Heaven or Us? - February 16, 2021
- Dispersed to Go Deep? - February 9, 2021
- Johnny Cash and Progressive Miracles - February 2, 2021
All message sent through this contact form will go directly to Rev. Michael Caines
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