Some Ridiculously Simple Things you can do Today to make a difference
Take a second and think about your day. I’m sure one of the first places your mind may go is the do-list or the deadlines or obligations. It may instead go to the concerns or worries of your life at this moment. For most of us it feels like every day has its share of all these things. The days sweep us along and before you know it, you’re tired, it’s late, and there are still lots of distractions. And then each day blends itself into the next. Want to receive and reflect some peace? Here are some simple ways to not let your day dictate how you will live.
1. Take some time to just “be” and not “do”
What if it was possible to be defined by who you were instead of what you do? The concern with allowing ourselves to be defined by what we do is that it is tenuous at best. What if I get sick and can’t work anymore? Who’s to say I am doing my job well enough? When’s enough enough? When will all my needs be met instead of always wanting more? Thankfully, there is another option to consider. You can be chose to be defined by who you are instead. You are a child of God. You are loved. You are more than the sum of your talents and abilities. You have a unique personality.
What if you took a few minutes sometime today to simply sit with these truths? Put down your phone, turn away from your computer, take a deep breath and rest in the assurance that you are cherished by God, his presence is with you, and that who you are is worth more than the sum of your accomplishments. Just be.
2. Take a few seconds to pray.
Prayer is communication. It is listening as well as speaking. Is there someone you would like to lift up to God? Is there something today that you are thankful for? Is there a burden in your life or a concern that you would like to let God carry for you? You don’t even have to say anything out loud. Remind yourself that God is with you and let your mind wander with him. Breath deep, notice your surroundings, look with God’s eyes and listen with God’s ears – let God show you what is really going on inside you, around you and through you?
3. Smile at someone.
Smiling really is a universal language that makes a person’s day better. If you are like me and have a particularly stern “neutral face” then this is all the more important. A smile disarms darkness in a person. There is something about offering a greeting to a complete stranger that says “When it comes to life, we’re on the same side.” As technology advances, there are an increasing number of reasons to retreat from social interaction on all levels. A smile and a “Hello” dare to remind others that there will never be a substitute for the person going through life right next to you.
4. Encourage Someone.
For many people, the only time they get feedback is when something goes wrong. Otherwise, there is silence. Encouragement is free. It takes little time but offers so much value. Encouraging someone does not need to be complicated or elegant. Here are some ways to encourage a person:
a. Compliment them on something they did or said.
b. Thank them for something they did for someone else.
c. Recognize an aspect of their personality or character that you appreciate.
d. Surprise them with their favourite food or drink.
How are you going to make a difference today?
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