Mission Statement / Core Values / “Vision” Mission Statement: “Jesus-Centered, in the community, for the community.” i.e. Turn to Jesus and turn it loose/Hit the target and then hit the town/gather to go Based on Great Commandment: Love Lord&love neighbour Jesus-Centered: Growing closer to Jesus / following Jesus – Bible study, prayer, worship, small group, etc. In Community, for community:… Read More
Relational Hygiene
Relational Hygiene: Basic hygiene practices: wash hands, sleeve sneeze, compost out or fruitflies, etc. Community of followers of Jesus: we have relational hygiene practices expected of us as we mature in the faith Romans 12:18 “Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” *NOTE: Doesn’t mean I’m right all the time, but that there is a healthy… Read More
Structures & Systems
Structures and Systems: Vestry: Overarching governance and accountability of the Parish. – Finances, policies, building/property management, prayerful leadership of direction Note: Vestry members do NOT do all the work. They are expected to participate in the life of the Church family like everyone else who call themselves followers of Jesus on the journey. They provide council, unique perspective, networking, and… Read More
Expectations of Leaders
Expectations of Leaders Integrity: Matthew 5:37 37 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. If you say you are going to do something we believe that you will do it. If you need help, we expect you to seek it. We will presume good will graciously in… Read More
Innovation and Initiative
Innovation and Initiative “A lack of orders is no excuse for inaction.” General Patton Even if things are good and quiet, it is always good to be asking the questions: How can we improve this ministry? How can I check-in with my team members What are some new ideas or methods to consider? How can I… Read More
Leading Volunteers
How to Invite and Support a Volunteer: 1. Share the vision 2. Share where you see them fitting into the vision 3. Give them a time frame to test it out & evaluate Supporting Volunteers: There are 3 things every volunteer wants more than money: 1. To be appreciated for a job well done 2. To be let in on… Read More